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You can download the Singularity container here: link.

While you can find the docker here: link.

Testing tutorial

Steps for singularity (similar to docker):

  1. Download the container and the code from Github

    wget https://osf.io/download/v8g9x/ && mv index.html LOD_Brain.simg

    git clone https://github.com/rockNroll87q/LOD-Brain

  2. Prepare your testing data. As an example, I download a volume from a public repository (link):

    wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/openneuro.org/ds002207/sub-01/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz

    wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/openneuro.org/ds002207/sub-02/anat/sub-02_T1w.nii.gz

  3. Run the container:

     singularity exec --cleanenv --nv \
     -B {PATH_TO_YOUR_TESTING_DATA}:/data/ \
     -B ./LOD-Brain/src:/source/ \
     -B ./LOD-Brain/trained_model/:/model/ \
     LOD_Brain.simg python /source/inference.py --vol_in=/data/


     singularity exec --cleanenv --nv \
     -B ./:/data/ \
     -B ./LOD-Brain/src:/source/ \
     -B ./LOD-Brain/trained_model/:/model/ \
     -B ./:/output/ \
     LOD_Brain.simg python /source/inference.py --vol_in=/data/

    In vol_in you can pass a folder, for example vol_in=/data/, or a volume like vol_in=/data/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz


A. If you get the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow_addons'

$ singularity shell --cleanenv --nv LOD_Brain.simg
$ python -m pip install tensorflow-addons